Prolonged Hospital Stay in Selected Tertiary Hospital in NorthWestern Kano State Nigeria: Retrospective Analysis of Predisposing Factors and Outcome
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Published: 14 November 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Introduction: Prolonged stay in either medical, surgical and accident/ orthopedic wards is defined ≥14 days stay in the wards and is associated with serious problem resulting in health associated infection, increased cost, and resource utilization. This study was aimed to determine prevalence and risk factors causing overstayed of patients in selected tertiary hospitals in Kano North western Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was performed in three selected hospitals in Kano State. Data were obtained and analyzed. Others were duration of stay in 3 hospitals wards. The factors affecting of the prolonged stay in medical, surgical and orthopedic/ accident wards was evaluated in respect of qualified staff, staff training, equipment’s in laboratory, theater and wards, quality assurance, availability of consumable and drugs.
Results: Indicated that the percentage of the prolonged stay in three hospitals was 40.34%, MMSH had the highest prolong stay (50.5%) and the least is MAWSH 28.91% of overall admissions. The mean age of the patients was 58 years, above 50 years of age,( 27.7%) were the most having hospital stay. The percentage of the prolong hospital stay was high in accident/orthopedic(42.89%) and the least was Medical ward (21.69%) among all the patients were admitted due health associated infections. predictive factors for the prolonged stay were usage of equipment in cases of prolonged hospital stay (p=0.039, aOR; 0.25, 95% CI; 0.00-0.80), ; lack of qualified staff (p=0.030, aOR; 4.27, 95% CI; 2.78-7.68) and lacked training (p=0.017, aOR; 6.82, 95% CI; 5.01-9.83), presence of a quality assurance system (p=0.012, aOR; 0.56, 95% CI; 0.28-0.92) and availability of consumables and drug (p=0.026, aOR; 0.35, 95% CI; 0.01-0.62) in the three hospital wards.
Conclusion: Many reasons cause prolongation of hospital stay asuch as lack of qualified staff and lack of training, absence of aqualityassuarance system and availability of consumable.
Keywords: Medical, surgical accident/orthopedic wards, length of stay, risk factors Abbreviations: AKTH=AminuKano Teaching Hospital Kano. MMSH= Murtala Muhammadspecialist hospital, MAWSH= Muhammad Abdullahiwase specialist hospital, I CU= Intensive critical care

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How to Cite
Alkali, B, Sarkinfada, F, Takalmawa, H. U. Sanusi Bello Mada, Agwu, E. (2019-11-14). "Prolonged Hospital Stay in Selected Tertiary Hospital in NorthWestern Kano State Nigeria: Retrospective Analysis of Predisposing Factors and Outcome." *Volume 2*, 4, 14-20